Fish Antibiotics for Survival by Megan Stewart – The Survivalist Blog
One of the major issues many preppers face in preparing for a grid down or SHTF scenario is what to do about illnesses, infections, and injuries that are bound to happen. The world will be in chaos. Doctors and pharmacies will be overrun quickly. Public services will be overwhelmed or possibly shut down entirely.
Preparing now, to deal with illness, disease, and injury, by adding fish antibiotics to your stockpile, is one more way to tip the odds in your favor when SHTF. In truth, fish antibiotics for survival is a pretty controversial topic. There are some who believe it to be insanity. But others swear that fish antibiotics can save human lives. You’ll ultimately have to decide for yourself, all I can provide is information to help you decide.
Your first line of defense is, of course, prevention. But you won’t be able to wrap yourself or loved ones in a bubble to keep them from getting sick or injured when SHTF.
Luckily, many symptoms of illnesses, injuries, and diseases can be treated with standard first aid supplies that are readily available and easy to stockpile. Still others can be treated or healed with readily accessible medicinal herbs and plants that can be foraged or cultivated.
The advice in this article is for information purposes only. Neither the author nor shall be held liable for any adverse effects as a result of using the advice presented here. Consult your physician before purchasing or using fish antibiotics.
Serious Bacterial Infections Require Antibiotics
But if you or a loved one gets a tooth abscess, comes down with a respiratory bacterial infection, or ends up with an infected wound, what will you do? Serious bacterial infections require antibiotics and without them, you or your loved one could die. For many people, this fear leads to stockpiling antibiotics, just in case.
You can ask your regular physician to prescribe an extra ten or 14 days worth of penicillin perhaps. But one extra dose of antibiotics isn’t much. And one type of antibiotic isn’t a cure all for the many different infections you could get. In today’s world, physicians increasingly fear resistance to antibiotics and therefore are limiting the times and frequency with which they will prescribe antibiotics.
There aren’t any physicians who will prescribe you large amounts of several different types of antibiotics so you can keep them in your stockpile. This has made it difficult for preppers to stockpile antibiotics and store them for a SHTF scenario.
So what can you do? How can you get antibiotics without a prescription so you can stockpile them for the future? More and more people are considering fish antibiotics as a potential solution.
Keep reading for more information on the benefits of fish antibiotics. We’ll explain some of the mystery in fish antibiotics, how to choose the right fish antibiotics, and give you some suggestions on where to buy fish antibiotics for your stockpile.